Monday, 15th MayContract: Rectification and precise scope of intention of parties
Contract: Rectification and precise scope of intention of parties CA & CA Ballan Pty Ltd v Oliver Hume (Australia) Pty Ltd [2017] VSCA 11 The respondents were licensed real estate agents.
Monday, 15th May457 What is changing?
What is changing?
Saturday, 29th AprDefamation: Negligence, novel duties of care and defamation
Perera v Genworth Financial Mortgage Insurance Pty Ltd [2017] NSWCA 19 Mr Perera brought three claims against Genworth, a mortgage insurer, arising out of claims made by Genworth concerning Mr Perera’s expertise as a property...
Saturday, 29th Apr Aspects of International Child Abduction
United Kingdom International law: Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction Article 3; two children born and raised in France brought to Scotland by their mother with consent of their French father; father...
Saturday, 29th AprAbolition and replacement of the 457 visa
On 18 April 2017, the Government announced that the Temporary Work (Skilled) visa (subclass 457 visa) will be abolished and replaced with the completely new Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa in March 2018.
Sunday, 23rd AprUnfair to sack worker for "crude" Facebook post
Colby Somogyi v LED Technologies Pty Ltd [2017] FWC 1966 (6 April 2017 The FWC has awarded $6,000 compensation to a travelling salesperson who was unfairly dismissed for making a "crude" and "immature" Facebook post...
Sunday, 23rd AprProtections for cross examination of vulnerable witnesses and introduce new family violence initiatives
The Family Court and the Federal Circuit Court announce updates to the Courts’ Family Violence Best Practice Principles to highlight that the victims of family violence are often traumatised and are vulnerable witnesses, and to...
Thursday, 20th AprThe NEW TEST for Australian Citizenship
STRENGTHENING THE TEST FOR AUSTRALIAN CITIZENSHIP The Australian Government is strengthening the requirements to become an Australian citizen, by: Increasing the general residence requirement, which means an applicant for...
Monday, 2nd JanVerification of Identity and the Right to Deal
The Real Property Amendment (Electronic Conveyancing) Act 2015 introduced a new section 12E into the Real Property Act 1900 which allows the Registrar General to make Conveyancing Rules.
Monday, 2nd JanBullying Behaviour - Recent Case Law
Bowker and Others v DP World Melbourne Limited T/A DP World and Others [2015] FWC 7312 (Gostencnik DP, 16 November 2015) Three employees (the applicants) of DP World Melbourne Limited (DP World) employed at its West Swanson terminal each made...